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Hospitality On Another Level

Hospitality On Another Level

Hospitality On Another Level

“The customer is always right”

How accurate is that statement? We take this famous mantra into consideration when we are faced with conflict that involves a customer complaint. Customer complaints are an excellent tool to measure your staff’s professionalism and if they are living up to the restaurant’s values that you implemented. It can prevent future mistakes, lower your marketing fees, and retain your most loyal guests…at a cost.

Guests can draw a complaint in a non-emotional logical manner which tend to leave more positive results for the aftermath of the issue. That is your best complainer. I will describe later in another post regarding why these types of complainers are the ones you want to make sure you never lose as guests. 

But what happens when you have the “guest from hell”? Those types of guests will make sure you never forget what you did to them regardless of the magnitude of the mistake. Nevertheless, you still must ensure that the guest leaves with a positive outcome even if it means you have listen to several abusive comments before you can offer a solution. That is the price to pay in order to elevate your guest experience.

“The customer is always right” because they are the ones that keep us in business. Therefore it is our job as managers/owners/operators to teach our staff how to provide hospitality on another level. To improve the customer complaint component of flawless hospitality, one must not take guest complaints so personally.

Although it may seem difficult, transitioning the angry disgruntled guest into a lifetime loyal one is possible. That means we must throw our ego aside and approach complaints logically and professionally.

Train your staff to live up to the values of your restaurant by explaining to them that when guests complain, they are not personally mad at you. They only want what they paid for: quality service and great food.  Whatever angry emotional comment they make, you must remain professional and calm. Sure it will be difficult but that is what separates a 4-5 star restaurant from a 1-3 star restaurant in customer service.

The way you look at “The customer is always right” will then change your business forever.

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